Incontinence can turn into a huge problem if you’re afraid to go out in public. And, the issue can affect personal relationships when you have a partner who shares your bed. Few people are comfortable talking about having difficulty in controlling their bladder.
But, you should understand that it is possible to overcome incontinence with the right treatment. Various options are now available that can help you with bladder control without resorting to medications and surgery. Here are a few solutions your doctor might talk to you about.
EMSella® Urinary Incontinence Treatment
The EMSella® Urinary Incontinence treatment is a non-invasive option that works to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. You will be sitting in a chair that uses a high-intensity electro-magnetic field to stimulate the nerves of your bladder. As the energy works on your nerves and tissues, they start to regenerate so you can control your urine and bowel movements. You will be fully dressed during each 30-minute session and the entire treatment includes around 6 sessions scheduled twice a week. Expect that the effects of the treatment will last you anywhere from 9 months to a year.
Pelvic Floor Muscles Strengthening Exercises
Also known as Kegel exercises, this option for incontinence simply involves contracting and releasing the muscles that control the bladder. Your doctor will show you how to perform the movements that you can do all through the day in the privacy of your home. You’ll also practice stopping and restarting the flow of urine midstream until you have complete control on the muscles.
Typically, patients are asked to continue with the exercises even after they see positive results which are long-lasting. Kegel exercises work well to supplement the other treatments you may be getting for incontinence.
Inserting a Vaginal Cone or Pessary
Vaginal cones are oval-shaped, small weights that you can insert into the vagina to help train your inner muscles. As your pelvic floor muscles learn to hold the weight in place, the device is replaced with a heavier version until you overcome incontinence.
Vaginal rings or pessaries can be of four different kinds and help support the bladder, uterus, or rectum if the organs sag and cause urine leakage. Your doctor will make the right recommendations after examining you and understanding the extent of your symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
Making simple changes in your day-to-day living can make a difference in treating incontinence. Your doctor will likely advise you to drop a few pounds if you’re overweight to reduce the pressure on your bladder. Stop smoking and limit the number of alcoholic or caffeinated drinks you have in a day. You may also receive a schedule for the amount of liquids to drink all through the day, so you can control urine output.
If needed, your doctor may also run tests to check for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) or the possibility of Interstitial Cystitis (IC), both of which can make it difficult to manage your trips to the bathroom.
Incontinence is a manageable problem, which can be overcome with the right solutions. Instead of being hesitant about talking about your experiences, be open with your doctor and ask about the treatments available to you. Regain self-esteem and wellness for normal living.