Making a few lifestyle changes can help you avoid aggravating the condition and preventing Interstitial Cystitis symptoms. If you’ve been dealing with pain and discomfort in the pelvic region that seems to focus on the area between the anus and vagina, your doctor will help by using the method of elimination.
In other words, you’ll maintain a diary of the foods you eat and other everyday routines you normally follow that seem to trigger the symptoms.
Here are some of the typical conclusions patients arrive at:
Avoid Foods that Can Cause Acidic Reactions
Many patients find that eating certain foods seems to make the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC) get worse. Try eliminating these foods from your diet and you may just get relief from the discomfort.
- Fruits like kiwis, strawberries, grapefruit, pineapples, tomatoes and tomato products, and citrus fruits including limes, oranges, and lemons
- Vegetables like chili peppers and onions
- Fermented foods including sauerkraut and pickles
- Dairy products such as yogurt including fruit-flavored yogurt, chocolate ice cream, and processed cheeses
- Beverages such as all kinds of tea, coffee, tomato juice, soda, alcohol, sports drinks, cranberry juice, and chocolate shakes
- Soy and soy products
Avoid the Possibility of Dehydration
Researchers estimate that interstitial cystitis could result from damage to the mucous layer that protects the bladder lining. The condition could also be caused by infections or viruses affecting the bladder or certain substances in the urine that irritate the tissues of the bladder. Drinking lots of water may help flush out toxins and keep your kidneys healthy. You’ll also lower the possibility of developing kidney stones and bladder stones that can also be one of the causes of interstitial cystitis.
Further, when you drink inadequate amounts of water, body waste accumulates in the urine at high concentrations. As a result, your urine will look dark yellow and have a strong odor. The high levels of waste can also irritate the walls of your bladder and cause a burning sensation in the urethra when you urinate. Eventually, you’ll develop prolonged pain in the pelvic region which is a symptom of IC.
Avoid Holding Your Urine
Holding your urine for long periods can trigger interstitial cystitis. The doctor helping you will suggest that you follow a bladder training system. You’ll begin the treatment by visiting the bathroom every 30 to 45 minutes whether or not you feel the urge to urinate. Gradually, you’ll increase the intervals to two and a half hours. Even if you feel the pressure in between, practice relaxation techniques to divert your attention from the pressure and discomfort.
While avoiding these things can give you relief from IC, you can also try other practices such as wearing loose-fitting clothes exercising to promote blood circulation, relieve stress, and quit smoking. Stimulating the nerves of the pelvic region to strengthen them can also help lower symptoms of interstitial cystitis like difficulty in controlling your urine or feeling the urge to visit the bathroom frequently.
If you need help with Interstitial Cystitis, talk to a trained expert who can help you with the best solutions that give you relief from the discomfort and improve your quality of life.